Governing Council

Governing Council - University of Lilongwe

The Governing Council is the ultimate governing body of the University. Subject to the powers reserved to Senate, it has ultimate responsibility for all the affairs of the University. The core responsibilities of Council include:

  • setting the strategic direction of the University of Lilongwe
  • the custody, control and disposition of all its property and finance
  • reviewing the work of the University
  • advancing the interests of the University, maintaining its efficiency and encouraging the prosecution of learning and research in the University.

The Secretary of the Council, by Statute, is the Registrar of the university.

Who Sits On The Council?

  • The University of Lilongwe President
  • The Vice-Presidents of the University of Lilongwe

Ex officio members appointed by the Board of Directors of Bambino Corporation.

11 appointed members (not being teachers or salaried staff in the University or any of its schools)

Chair of Council
The Chairmanship of the Council is a non-executive position held by a member of Council. The Chair is responsible for the leadership of the Council and is ultimately responsible for its effectiveness. Council also appoints among its members as Vice-Chair(s).

Term of Appointment of Council Members
The initial term of appointment of all appointed members of Council is 4 years, renewable for a second term of up to 3 years. Appointment to a third term of up two 2 years is reserved for exceptional circumstances, linked to the sustained high performance of a member and taking into account the strategic needs of Council. Members will not normally serve a continuous period of more than 9 years.