President Remarks

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to the University of Lilongwe.We are excited to welcome you to our dynamic and forward thinking University. Our university is geared to help two types of students ;those coming from secondary or high scholls and those who are already working.We know and understand the needs of both of these types of students.

To those coming from secondary or high scool,I will state here that your high school days have now come to an end and at this point you are about to begin the most important journey of your life. A journey that promises to define who you will become and how unique you will be in your country and society. The academic programme and the university you choose as your place of study for the next couple of years will be one of the most significant decisions you will ever make.

By choosing the University of Lilongwe, you will become a part of an urban, liberal institution where we embrace the overarching goal of excellence and greatness. We set ambitious goals for ourselves, and we achieve them. We invite you to enroll at the University of Lilongwe and be part of that experience ;an experience that takes you through an exciting journey into the world of academic and professional possibilities.

Our innovative teaching methods and use of academic technologies are the best there is in Malawi. Our teaching is focused on the learning needs of our students; and our supportive orientation program ensures a smooth transition from high school to tertiary studies. We strive to avoid delaying your academic progress by ensuring that the programs of study are fitted in within the required number of years. You graduate when you are required to graduate; no breaks, no disturbances. As a dynamic institution we will constantly upgrade our teaching, learning and research facilities so that we create an exceptional academic space for our academics and students.


This decision will determine your further education and profession success, it will influence your personal growth and lay the foundation for your contribution to the creation of a better Malawi for all. For those who are already in the workplace,a new journey begins too.A journey that promises to be rewarding as much as it promises to be challenging to our everyday notions about the current skills needed to survive in the workplace,future skills that will be as dynamic as the workplace itself but also a journey that demands sacrifice.

At the University of Lilongwe (UniLil), we believe in graduating informed, innovative, reflective, independent-minded and well- rounded future leaders of our nation. We provide our students with an enjoyable, safe, caring, supportive, intellectually stimulating and technologically savvy environment. We offer a wide range of high quality academic as well as career-oriented and professional programmes – covering the entire continuum from undergraduate diplomas to doctoral degrees.

Over the next five years UniLil will make considerable investments in student’s facilities in order to offer first class education to its students. Through our innovations and collaborations with reputable local and international institutions we will aim at shaping your future but also that of Malawi. As you choose to be at University of Lilongwe, you will be making a decision that will ensure that you’re clear about your future but also a decision that empowers you to Think Ahead and Stay Ahead.


Students Enrolled


Courses Offered



